MJPcreative Service Level Agreement
- Definitions
A Project can be a website, logo, photography or any other design which can include: print material, images or web graphics provided by MJPcreative to the Customer. The word “contract” as it appears in these terms and conditions shall mean the contract between MJPcreative and the customer, which will be based on the terms and conditions contained within this Service Level Agreement (SLA).
- Contract
The terms and conditions contained in this SLA apply to all MJPcreative customers unless agreed in writing to the contrary. No other contract terms and conditions shall apply unless specifically agreed in writing between MJPcreative and the customer. In the event of any ambiguity between these terms and conditions and any terms agreed in writing between MJPcreative and the customer then these terms and conditions will apply.
- Price Quotations
Whenever possible MJPcreative will provide customers with a fixed price quotation and detailed specification for a project. Fixed pricing applies to offers that are currently available via promotional means. Items omitted or added to the specification that accompanies a fixed price quotation will be treated as variations.
- Copyright
All customer logos, images, images unique to the customer, i.e. of their premises, work force and their business, plus all written copy, belong to the customer and are covered under their copyright. MJPcreative will not reuse customer written content or images without the express permission of the customer. All logo designs, designs, pictures taken by MJPcreative are the property of MJPcreative and have full copyright to print and share these to use as my personal portfolio.
- Hourly Rate
MJPcreative will charge for services, updates and extensive changes to projects provided that are not included in any quotation. The amount charged will be £20 the standard hourly rate.
- Websites
Website designs will include, free or premium template (the customer will be alerted of a premium template and will be added to the invoice), basic SEO on site, domain purchase, hosting, email, set up, design of site and time spent on the site. The more pages or elements that are designed which are added to your website the more hours for completion is accounted for which is included in the initial estimate.
- Graphic Design Services
For all graphic design services which includes print material and web graphics an estimate is calculated in accordance with the standard hourly rate, which will then be submitted to the customer. If changes are needed to the design after the outstanding invoice has been paid, then the standard hourly rate will be applied and the customer will be re-invoiced for the work carried out.
- Logo Design
Each logo designed by MJPcreative is set at an hourly rate as stated on the website (mjpcreative.co.uk). If extensive changes and modifications are needed by the customer, then the standard hourly rate will be applied. If changes are needed to the design after the outstanding invoice has been paid, then the standard hourly rate will be applied and the customer will be re-invoiced for the work carried out.
- Weddings
Packages are stated on the website and the customer will be invoiced by MJPcreative to the agreed package pricing. Images that are taken will be pre-processed, cleaned up, corrected and supplied on a pen drive. These will be supplied to the customer up to 4 weeks after the wedding. However, in most cases, the images are supplied within 2 weeks.
- Hosting
Hosting/Email/Maintenance/Monthly Updates £250 per annum or 12 monthly instalments of £25 subject to fair usage limits on disk space & bandwidth). Please note: this does not include back-ups and failure to keep up these payments may result in your website being removed without notice! MJPcreative will invoice for hosting on an annual or monthly basis, depending on agreement with customer. Invoices will be raised approximately 1 week prior to the commencement date.
MJPcreative will set-up customer email accounts with the email service provided by the hosting company. This is included in the price of the website cost. To access your email on various devices forwarders can be set up to connect other accounts. This is included in the set-up costs. MJPcreative are excluded from any liability to the customer for any interruption or termination in the email service MJPcreative will troubleshoot any problems reported by the customer with their email. If the problem is due to an omission by MJPcreative then no charge will be made to the customer. If the problem is not due to an omission by MJPcreative then the customer will be charged in accordance hourly rate charges.
- Search Engines
MJPcreative include basic SEO services when designing websites to perform well with the search engines.
- Invoicing
50% is required once initial estimate is set and sent to customer which is required before projects are started. 50% of the remainder of initial estimate including additional work or extensive changes on project will be required on completion before going live and work being passed over to customer. Payment is required within 7 days after invoice is sent.
- Performance
MJPcreative will ensure that the specification quoted for the customer works as intended. In the event that the customer reports that some part of the specification is not functioning correctly then MJPcreative will investigate this and take corrective action, which will be at no expense to the customer. In the event that the customer reports an issue which is related to a matter that falls outside of the project specification then MJPcreative will investigate this and email the customer a report and, if appropriate, a price to carry out the extra work involved to resolve the issue.
- Damages
Unless expressly agreed in writing to the contrary MJPcreative do not have any liability to the customer for any delays in completing a project. MJPcreative do not have any liability to the customer for the performance of a website, database or any other entity/service developed/setup for the client.
- Termination
In the event that the customer does not pay the outstanding invoice or any payments that are due in the allotted time scale (this includes hosting, updates, designs, photography, monthly subscription) within 7 days of the due date, a further 7 days will be allowed then MJPcreative have the right to suspend all further works for that customer until such time as payment is made in full. This will include stopping any designs/artwork/deadlines and suspension of the website.